In terms of messaging services, messenger and chat are nearly identical. Messenger aims to provide an experience that is more personal and allows for file and downloadhubs exchange. Messengers were first introduced as desktop software. Most of them evolved into mobile applications and social networks. The key difference between messenger and chat is the type of interactions you can conduct. Messengers are usually used for personal chatting. Messages are exchanged in real-time, whereas chats are used for business purposes.
Facebook messenger is a messaging app available for both desktop and mobile devices. Messenger can be used to communicate with friends, family, and distant relatives. Both messengers can be used on any device and are incredibly convenient. Both can be used to chat, share textboard, and keep history of conversations. For many, messenger is the only service that lets them stay connected. And with so many advantages, they’re a must-have tool.
Messengers have the edge over live chat because they allow you to retain conversations. Live chat is synchronous and requires the customer to remain connected magazinepaper. The same goes for messengers, which allow you to continue the conversation in an asynchronous mode. You can respond to messages whenever you have time, unlike live chat, which may require you to be available. Both of these communication channels are useful for different types of businesses. So, which is best for you?