Companies are increasingly focusing on employee wellbeing, but this concept goes beyond physical health. Companies want employees who are engaged, productive, and healthy. The burdens of child care, financial strain, and other “life” concerns often weigh heavily on employees. Wellness practices aim to improve the general well-being of employees and make the workplace a healthier and happier place to work. By focusing on the overall well-being of employees, companies can retain top talent and increase productivity.
A holistic wellness program will focus on all five dimensions, including physical, mental, and spiritual. It must maximize each dimension for optimal wellbeing. Occupational wellness, for example, focuses on finding your calling and engaging in meaningful activities. It also addresses workplace stress, builds relationships with co-workers, and explores career options. Many employees find these wellness practices useful, and the Chevron program is a great example of wellness programs done right.
One of the first steps to achieving wellness is to set goals. These goals will serve as stepping stones to a more holistic well-being. Ideally, they should be achievable in a reasonable amount of time, if not daily. For example, physical activity and meditation are the first steps toward a healthy lifestyle. Eventually, these activities will become a habit in a person’s life.
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Employee wellness programs are crucial to an employee’s success. Health management systems provide incentive programs to encourage healthy habits, including exercise, nutrition, and stress reduction. Often, these programs can even lead to a reduction in workplace stress. It’s important to build a healthy workplace culture for employees to increase their motivation and performance. Adding 5 minutes of wellness activities to your daily routine can improve employee morale and focus.