It is a pleasure in itself for parents to see their child ride a bike all by themselves. For the child, learning to balance and ride a bicycle without any support is like spreading their wings and starting a new adventure. It is better to introduce the child to the world of cycling as early as possible.
A 2019 survey states that around 3.4 million Australians use bikes as a means of transport or recreation. This is why learning to ride a bike is very important in Australia. It unlocks endless potential in a child’s future. Therefore, kids bikes in Australia are really popular. Australian Cycling Participation Survey, 2019, states that in any year, almost 70% of Australian kids of age 17 and below know how to ride a bike.
There are three main criteria for choosing a kids’ bike: Age, Height, and Usage.
- THE AGE: There’s a bike for every age! A child can start learning to cycle as early as the age of two. They can start by learning a tricycle or balance bike. Kids who want to learn cycling “like a grown-up” can go for bikes with stabilizers or convertible balance bikes.
- THE HEIGHT: For better learning, kids need to be comfortable with the bike they’re riding. Therefore, the size of the bike is very important, and it depends on the height of the child. Bike size usually varies from 10 to 20 inches. It is very important to choose a bike that goes well with the child’s age and height to make learning more fun and comfortable for the budding cyclist.
- USAGE: After the kid is six years old, the parent will need to refine the bike choice because the kid will use the bike for different reasons now. Whether it is a hybrid bike or a mountain bike, there are a lot of different kinds one can choose from depending on where the kid is going to ride the bike.
- Child Bike Seat: This is also called the baby seat and it is securely mounted over the rear wheel of an adult bike. It has a harness to keep the baby safe and comfortable. Not all adult bikes have the right features to be able to attach a baby seat, so it is important to make sure the adult bike is compatible.
- Bicycle Trailer: Just like a baby seat, a bicycle trailer requires no effort from the baby’s side. It is a two-wheeled cart attached to the adult bike frame and towed by the parent in the bike. These work the best for longer rides.
- Balance Bikes: Children develop the skills to ride a bike independently at different rates. For the longest time, training wheels have been a part of the transition from infant/toddler bikes to kids’ bikes in Australia and other countries . But now, these are being replaced by pedal-less balance bikes. These bikes teach balance, which is the most important thing in cycling.
- Cruiser Bikes: As the kids grow older and they’ve learned balance, the bikes diversify in both complexity and style. These bikes are meant for casual riding around the neighbourhood. These are fun, comfortable, and the last step in the pre-adult riding journey.
- Road Bikes: The frames and tiers of the road bikes are meant for flat surfaces, like roads and pavements. These are not meant for riding over dirt piles or rocks in the backyard. They can be used by the kid to travel from one place to another.
- Mountain Bikes: These are a hit among the kids’ bikes in Australia because of their versatility. They are designed to ride on rocky surfaces like the mountains; they ride pretty well on flat surfaces like roads too.
Need to be considered when putting this generation on wheels. But this does not have to be a difficult process for either the parent or the kid. The process can be made easy by picking the bike – that best fits the kids’ physical development and based on how the kid will use it.