When buying an insurance policy, it is advisable to choose one that has a high sum assured amount and adequate health coverage. This is essential as medical inflation can make medical treatment very expensive. In fact, a simple heart surgery can cost you as much as Rs. 4 lakh to 5 lakh, which can be quite high, even for a middle-class family. In addition, you should select an insurance plan that offers adequate coverage, in case you or your loved one needs specialized treatment.
A good health insurance policy should offer a wide range of coverage, including different types of medical expenses for a particular ailment. Furthermore, the insurance company should offer a variety of plans to meet the needs of all kinds of people. For example, an individual health insurance policy may not be enough if your family requires special coverage for cancer treatments. A family health insurance plan may not be enough for you if you are not a smoker.
Health insurance plans in India should cover ambulance charges if you’re injured while on holiday. An ambulance will cost a lot of money, so be sure to get the best plan available. Most health insurance plans in India will pay for ambulance charges and maternity expenses. Furthermore, some plans will pay for routine health checkups for your children. Finally, day care procedures are covered if you’re not in the hospital for more than 24 hours.