May at Hosier Naturals green boutique is woman’s health month. Hosier Naturals’ skin care products are free from any chemicals, preservatives, dyes, emulsify errs, or synthetic fragrances. “You can always be sure you are choosing products, and supporting companies, that care about your health and our environment,” shares Hosier Naturals’ Owner and Founder, Kari Faucet.
“We create products that help support women during some of their most important transitions, using pure oils infused with herbs and therapeutic grade essential oils blended thoughtfully and precisely for each circumstance,” said Kari. The Hosier Mama and Hosier Baby lines are formulated to be gentle for pregnancy, postpartum, and baby, and now feature belly massage oils for each trimester. The newest face serum was developed using essential oils that target oil and acne, but are recognized as safe for use during pregnancy.
For those trying to conceive, fertility massage oils for both woman and men are available. In addition, there are facial mists and a balm perfectly blended to support women in menopause. Hosie Naturals is a green boutique located at 630 Brevard Ave, Ste B, Cocoa Natural Awakenings magazine is excited to announce our new, upgraded website launch this month.
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The design of this site allows you to easily access articles from the current issue simply by viewing the home page and clicking on what peaks your interest. “The landing page is literally a display of the current issue,” explains Publisher Kris Urquhart. “I am absolutely thrilled with how easily readers can access the information that is most intriguing to them.” In addition, the extensive article archive is searchable and easily accessed via links and tabs
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