If you have been charged with drug possession, you are going to want to look at some options available to you. One of the options is to choose a diversion program. Another option is to use a drug attorney. However, which option is best for you depends on several factors.
Possession vs intent to distribute
If you’re facing a Possession vs Intent to Distribute charge in Georgia, it’s important that you work with a skilled attorney who can help you navigate the legal complexities of this type of crime. A conviction of a Drug charges in Georgia can have a very negative impact on your life. It can make it hard to find employment, and may even prevent you from qualifying for a loan or credit card. You should contact an attorney right away to begin building your defense.
In Georgia, possession with intent to distribute is considered a felony and carries higher penalties than other types of possession charges. This means that you’ll have to spend a lot more time behind bars. Your sentence will depend on the quantity of drugs you were charged with, as well as other factors.
The statutory punishment for possession with intent to distribute is one to twenty years. Alternatively, if the accused was within 1,000 feet of a school, housing project, or park, the penalty can be as high as forty years.
Prior convictions
If you are charged with a drug crime in Georgia, you should consult an experienced criminal defense attorney. A criminal conviction can carry serious repercussions on your life. It may hinder your ability to get a job, qualify for loans, or participate in educational programs. Also, a felony conviction can limit your opportunities for voting. The penalties associated with a drug offense vary by the type of drugs involved.
First time offenders are generally treated more leniently than repeat offenders. In fact, a first time offender may qualify for a conditional discharge. This type of discharge is a result of the Georgia First Offender Act.
Those convicted of a drug offense may face severe prison sentences. They can also have their driver’s license suspended. These penalties depend on the type of drug, the quantity, and the prior convictions.
First time offenders also have the opportunity to enroll in a drug treatment program. After completing the program, their charges will be dismissed.
Alternatives to prison
If you’ve been charged with drug possession in Georgia, the good news is that there are several alternatives to prison. These alternatives will help you stay out of jail, while providing treatment and rehabilitation.
Pretrial diversion programs are an example of a sentencing alternative. These programs allow you to avoid a permanent conviction by taking part in a program that includes drug classes, counseling, and community service. The program will dismiss charges after successful completion.
Another type of alternative sentence is supervised probation. This option is generally available in misdemeanor cases. Defendants will have to obey the rules of the program, or they will serve a jail or prison sentence.
An ankle bracelet connected to a monitoring center will alert authorities if the defendant leaves the house. It can also be programmed so that he can go to work.
Courts can also require drug dependent offenders to enter treatment instead of incarceration. In some cases, the judge will even make this a condition of probation.
Diversion programs
If you have been charged with a drug related offense in Georgia, you may want to consider a diversion program. These programs offer defendants the opportunity to avoid a conviction and pay restitution to the victim. In addition, some programs offer a chance for your record to be expunged once you complete the program.
Diversion programs in Georgia are designed to help offenders reform and become productive members of society. They are often required to complete community service and attend classes. Participants also may be required to undergo counseling and/or treatment.
You should consult a Georgia criminal defense attorney if you would like to participate in a diversion program. Most diversion programs are designed for first-time offenders who have no prior record and are not violent. However, there are exceptions that are based on the nature of the crime.
A pretrial diversion program in Georgia is intended to keep first-time offenders from jail and to prevent repeat offenders. This type of program may have strict requirements and costs, but it can offer you a second chance.