As an independent financial advisor consulting for companies, you understand how important it is to constantly be on the lookout for new clients. Email marketing should be at the core of your marketing mix. Here are the top email marketing strategies to take your financial consultancy business to the moon!
A financial advisor is responsible for looking at a company’s entire financial landscape and spotting weaknesses, loopholes, and financial leakages. Of course, you’ll get more clients if you’re at the top of your game. However, marketing your services is equally as important. After all, how will companies find you if you don’t put yourself out there? This is where email marketing comes in. In this blog, we’ll discuss the top tried and tested email marketing strategies to expand your financial consultancy business.
Understand your audience and segment it
The first and foremost thing in your email marketing campaign is to identify your target audience — that’s easier said than done. Every financial consultancy business has a slightly different audience it wants to capture. For instance, you may be offering A to Z financial advisory while a competitor may just be offering quarterly tax filing services.
Once you’ve zeroed in on your target audience, it’s time to segment it into shades. Some clients may be looking for better cash flow control; others might be looking to manage annual and monthly OPEX. Group each segment separately so you can send them highly tailored emails.
Visuals are crucial
Have you ever received a sales email with no images, just a block of paragraphs? We bet you tossed it into your trash folder without reading it. That’s what will happen if you don’t make your emails dynamic and visual. People are very visual beings — they’d rather read what’s written on a stunning flyer than walls of words.
We highly recommend embedding a financial services poster in your emails, as your recipients are more likely to read them. You can use an online graphic design tool like PosterMyWall to craft flyers. Select a customizable email template from the platform’s extensive roster, edit it online, and viola… you’re done!
Pay attention to the subject line
What happens if your email content looks great and catchy but doesn’t have a compelling subject line? Most likely, it’ll be tossed into the trash folder without being opened. People are busy and won’t open your email if you can convince them in a single line how opening it can benefit them. That’s why email marketing is so difficult to pull off — you only get one shot at convincing the reader to open your email!
A successful email subject line is one that targets customer pain points in a creative way. Something like, “Tired of keeping tabs on Excel? Say no more” will likely hook the reader as it doesn’t give away the entire message and keeps some mystery, making you appear as if you might have a solution to that specific pain point. Of course, the pain point will differ depending on which audience segment you’re targeting in your email.
Add a couple of CTA buttons
Once you have the perfect email and a person reads it, then what? What should they do next to get ahold of you or try out your financial consultancy services? This is where CTA or call-to-action buttons come into play. They instruct the reader exactly what to do after reading your email. They could be something like, “Get a 25% discount” or “Check out our services here,” with a hyperlink to your website’s services page.
An email with CTA buttons maximizes the chances of a reader clicking it and at least visiting your website to check your services. It basically brings your shop to their doorstep instead of them having to do so. Obviously, people would prefer the former — the less effort for them, the better.
Mind the 80-20 rule
One of the biggest mistakes email marketers do is to assume an email is all about singing praises of themselves. If you do that, no one is going to take you seriously. You need to develop a genuine rapport before expecting anyone would trust you. That will be through positive customer testimonials posted on independent review sites.
As far as your email goes, 80% of it should be educational and informative, while only 20% of it should be marketing-specific buxic. Your email content should add value for your readers, something that benefits them for free — that’s the only way they’re going to start to trust you koiusa.
Final thoughts
While the above email marketing strategies work like a charm for financial advisors, keep in mind that they’re not a universal formula for success for every consultant. Each financial consultancy firm is different as it has a different USP and target audience. Therefore, it’s a must to tailor each strategy to your specific needs detectmind.