Unprofessional email addresses and bad CVs are common mistakes that cause a large percentage of resumes to be discarded. While it may seem like an insignificant detail, email addresses and CVs with unprofessional addresses account for 76% of all resume rejections. The average job has 118 applicants, and around 35% of those applicants are likely to be qualified for the position. Make sure your email address is professional and easy to read.
Spelling and grammatical errors are the two biggest deal-breakers on a resume. Recruiters rank this as their number one pet peeve, and it’s easy to avoid these errors by editing your resume and getting a second set of eyes. In addition to this, use a spell checker or proofreader to make sure that your resume doesn’t contain any typos.
When searching for hoover high pressure washer prices in Bangladesh, you must know the brand, model, and size you need. Some models cost more than others, so be sure to research each model before purchasing one. There are many brands to choose from. To get an idea of prices, check out Hoover’s website. This site features the latest prices and specifications of the top-selling products. You can also read customer reviews to see which brands have a higher price.