There are over 100 ways to save energy at home. By following these suggestions, you will save money and energy while maintaining your home. There are many small things you can do to save energy at home, such as not using your air conditioner and heating system as much. Some of these tips are also fun for the kids. If you have small children, they can even help you save energy by noticing when appliances are turned off and which ones are running. You can also commit to a technology detox night each week. Not only is it good for the environment, but it’s also a great way to spend quality time with your kids.
When possible, use low-watt bulbs. A low-watt bulb can light up an entire room. In addition to turning off your lights when not in use, you can use track or table lamps to illuminate your workspace or hobby area. If you want to conserve hot water, try to cut down your shower time by a minute per person. This will save around $30 a year. You can also turn off your water heater when it’s not in use.
If you need lights, switch to low-energy LED bulbs. LED lights use ninety-nine percent less energy than traditional bulbs and last 10 to twenty times longer. If your house is cold, you can use low-wattage LED bulbs to keep the house warm. They’re also a great deterrent for unwanted visitors. With these 100 ways to save energy at home, you can start making small changes right away.